$21.00 USD

Spring Equinox Activation

Healing the Waters of the World

Welcome to an experience that transcends the ordinary. As we approach the Spring Equinox, a time of balance and renewal, we invite you to be part of a global movement dedicated to healing the waters of our planet. This event is not just an activation; it's a journey into the heart of ancient wisdom and the frontiers of spiritual personal and planetary healing.

What you'll get:

  • Activation from Stars, Stones, and Holy Wells: Harness energies from celestial bodies, sacred earth sites, and ancient water sources.
  • Inner Water Lightbody Healing: Experience a unique healing process that rejuvenates your inner essence.
  • Global Water Grid Activation: Join a worldwide community in a synchronized effort to heal the Earth’s water.

Date: March 20th 

11 AM Eastern Time (New York)

Why Participate?

Connect with a Global Tribe: Align with individuals who share your passion for healing and spiritual growth.

Galactic Waters Activation: Be part of a ceremony that invokes peace and healing on Earth, influenced by galactic energies.

Experience a Balance of Energies: Witness the interplay of masculine and feminine forces at a sacred site during the Equinox.