Personal Power Light Code Activation
Claim your personal power!
This key code opens the door to step into your personal power and fully recognize you are the master of your reality. In order to do this, strong boundaries often need to be implemented. In this light code we will connect with the powerful energy of Kali and the Black Jaguar to find our strength and stand in our truth!
During this 9 class journey, starting on February 13th and continuing weekday mornings at 9am through February 23rd, we will receive a vibrational connection to the heart of oneness through the resurrection flame as Jesus shares channeled messages, meditations, question and answer sessions through Kelly. Two hours of group coaching is also included!
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Hello Beautiful Soul
I'm so excited to share this Key Code with you!
Earlier this year I asked for guidance before I went to bed. During that night, The Angel Raphael downloaded 33 "Key Codes" to unlock and open forgotten gateways to higher consciousness into my field while I was sleeping. Each Key Code has many nuances that are delivered energetically while The Angel Raphael translates the vibrations into words to help us mentally comprehend the capabilities that are being delivered on an energetic level.
Every Key Code Transmission focuses your awareness upon an aspect of your Highest Self. Each activation helps you access the divine vibration of the frequency you were born to express in this lifetime. This retuning helps you to release unconscious patterns that have prevented you from realizing your true self potential until now.
Each Key Code provides a different aspect of what it means to become the Ascended Master that you are.
It is an honor to serve you as a guide on the most important journey of your life!
Kelly and The Angel Raphael

I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful experience I had today after speaking to you and Raphael. I felt an immediate shift in my energy after speaking with her.
- Mary Nugent
You are so blessed to have your gift. Raphael touched on everything I was so confused about. My eyes watered with joy when she said we were old friends and she sat with me before I came here to help me decide if I should come here.
- Keesha Wood
Thank you Kelly! There are no words to express the depth and Galactic meaning and power of this class in my life! and Thank you to YOU for your self-sacrifice.
- Jessie